Report a lost animal

  • Current Step 1 - Your Details
  • Step 2 - Animal details
  • Complete

Report a lost animal

If your pet is missing report it to us and we will do our best to ensure a happy reunion.

  • Current Step 1 - Your Details
  • Step 2 - Animal details
  • Complete
Please enter your phone number without spaces

Your privacy rights

The information you’ve provided to Battersea Dogs & Cats Home (Battersea) will be treated with respect and used in line with your instructions on this form. We will also use your information for analysis and administration purposes, and to communicate with you by post under our legitimate interest. If you would like us not to contact you by post, or want to change the way we communicate with you at any time, please contact our Supporter Services team on 0300 323 1216,, or by writing to: Supporter Services Team, Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, 4 Battersea Park Road, London SW8 4AA. Further information about how we protect and use your personal data is available in our Privacy Policy.